Friday, January 29, 2016

The Hunt for the Spicer WinterFest Medallion is STILL ON!!

Have you been out searching for your chance at the $500 Prize?!
It has not been found yet!!

Medallion Hunt CLUE # 5!!
You can find me near my old buds, Chuck and Ed.

A BIG THANK YOU to this year's SPONSOR Melissa Radel from State Farm Insurance
And of course there are a few rules:
1. Anyone is eligible to participate in the Annual Medallion Hunt except for Spicer Commercial Club Board members and WinterFest planning committee members and their families.
2. The Medallion is located within city limits of Spicer.
3. The Medallion is hidden on public property. Do not enter onto private property looking for the Medallion.
4. Destruction of property is not necessary and will not be allowed. Searchers must not deface public property or otherwise violate laws. The Spicer Commercial Club reserves the right to discontinue the hunt at any time if public or private property is destroyed.
5. The Medallion is not buried, however snow may need to be brushed off and climbing will not be necessary.
6. The person finding the Medallion should present it in person to Sabrina Lere, Spicer Commercial Club member, by calling the telephone number 320.220.0912 or emailing
7. Clues will be available on the Spicer Commercial Club Blog ( – select blog) and the Spicer Commercial Club Facebook page. As well as live daily on Q102 morning radio starting January 25th, 2016.
8. The Medallion is made of stone with special markings to identify it as authentic.
9. No purchase is necessary to win.
10. Any tax due as a result of winning the prize is the responsibility of the winner.
11. If the Medallion is not found and presented by 5:00pm on February 1st 2016, the Spicer Commercial Club reserves the right to terminate the hunt.

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